As some of you may know, this year has been a true year of growing for me. It's exhilarating, really.
Spend time in silence. That's what I heard God say to me early this year when I was in that "New Year's Resolution mode" thinking about what I needed to focus on in 2012. It was an odd, and pretty vague directive, I thought, but I began to try it. I mean, I know that this life as mom of four is completely consuming and crazy, and
slowing down for some silence could only serve me well. And I would need to be intentional about making time for silence, or it would never come. So, I just started. First I began by turning off the radio in the car more. I left the TV off when I was home more. I became more observant when I was able to have alone-time, and I practiced
listening to that still, small Voice more... even in the shower.
As the weeks and months went by I found myself reading about the ancient contemplative practices of the Christian faith: about meditation and centering prayer, about lectio divina and the Jesus Prayer. I went to a workshop on, of all things, walking the Labyrinth. I discovered friends and family who were open to engaging in conversation about these things that were not often discussed in my usual circles.
Reflecting back now, I realize that it was God who placed these books, this workshop, these people, and this way of thinking into my life.
I had not even gone looking for them! Rather, just being aware of this "call to silence," I was
open to them, and
responded as they were put in my path.
Isaiah 30:20-21 says, "Although the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your teachers will be hidden no more; with your own eyes you will see them. Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
This is what was (and is still) happening to me.
Over the months, I've begun to try out some of these contemplative techniques, and let me tell you,
my soul has come alive! My relationship with God now has a richness, a depth, that I didn't even know I was missing... and the really cool thing is: I now see that there is infinitely more for me to experience!
I have also begun a new venture/adventure speaking to church groups, women's groups, etc. Throughout the years I have been asked to speak on occasion, but I now am focusing on doing this more regularly, as I feel compelled to share lessons from my journey - especially this process of going inward through contemplative practices, being in the moment, and experiencing the abundant life He created us for.
(see John 10:10)
I recently spoke for the first time on this topic to my own moms group. Can I just tell you that
it was not easy! Speaking about something so deeply personal as your own relationship with the Holy Spirit, and your own inner-self, takes nerve. I might have chosen to keep it safe, and speak on an easier topic, if it were not for the bubbling up and bursting out of this inside of me
(like Peter and John in Acts "We cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard," or Jeremiah who said if he didn't speak the word of God it was "like a fire shut up in my bones"). And while speaking to friends and peers brings a level of comfort on one hand, on the other hand, it added a bit of extra pressure. I was revealing a part of myself to them that they might have never seen before. I was laying it all out there for them to possibly reject. This topic isn't the usual. Since it isn't something tangible and provable, there is room for differences in opinion; there is room for judgement.
I did it. I shared my heart... And it was received nicely, with love and encouragement.... Whew!
In fact, there was interest by a few moms to hear more, to continue the conversation! There are some of you who are really interested and even hungry for this kind of deep, inward relationship with God, too. How thrilling! So the question is,
what can I do to facilitate that - especially when I'm really just beginning this contemplative journey myself?
Within my presentation, I shared my own story along this journey - well, as much as an hour of time would allow. And some friends have suggested that I should share more personal life experiences and practical application. Since an hour-long talk doesn't allow for too much more of that, it's been suggested that I should blog about my experiences.
SO... I have chosen this experiment.
I am going to blog daily for 30 days about my own participation in meditation.
If you care to, feel free to follow along. I'll post my blog to facebook each day, as well, to make it easy. And I certainly welcome your comments and thoughts as we go. I'll do my best to be open and authentic with my thoughts and experiences, if you'll do your best to respect that I'm putting myself out there. :)
As I share my experiences, I do tend to wonder what you'll think...
Maybe some of you will wonder what the draw is.
Maybe some will be intrigued and try meditating someday.
Maybe some of you practice meditation or centering prayer, and will be thrilled for me, knowing how wonderful it is already!
And honestly, I'd bet some will even worry about me straying from the safety of traditional Baptist practices.
I hope and pray that, no matter what lens you see my experiences through, each of you who read along will open your hearts to how God may be calling you to go deeper with him and closer to who He created you to be, too.
Here I go...