Be Still and Know - Day 20

During meditation today I realized how luxurious my life is! While at my mom's house on the family farm this long Thanksgiving weekend, I really did feel in complete luxury. Not the air mattress bed necessarily, but being on the farm - feeling connected to God's creation; and the time spent with family - no bickering or baggage, just great company and unconditional love. Simply divine.
Now that we're back home, there are more parking lots than meadows, and more to-do lists than great conversations. But paradise is where you make it, and luxury can be found in the small things.
Luxury is defined as something inessential, but conducive to pleasure and comfort.
Consider these things as luxury...
Soaking in a warm bubble bath. Going for a long walk outside. Sipping coffee on the porch. Listening to great music. Losing yourself in an old movie. Writing a love note to your beloved. Having a heartfelt conversation with a friend. Indulging in a hobby. Lighting a candle and enjoying it's scent. Making someone smile...God has given us countless ways to live in luxury. Simple, but life-giving things enrich our lives and bring us joy. They are there for the taking. He delights in our pleasure.
Have you taken time for something luxurious today? It can be divine.
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