Smiles... Prayers... Grace!

My deepest thoughts on spirituality and life lessons.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Be Still and Know - Day 13

[If you're just now joining in, you may want to read my introduction first.]

Day 13 of meditating daily. Wow, I'm really doing this. :)

Today I meditated on the concept of what we might call "Let go, and let God." This is so much easier said than done. But when we practice it, our approach to life shifts, and life IS easier... one of those paradoxes of life again.

I thought of all the things I try to make happen in my life, all the things I try to control - over which I really have NO control: traffic, the kids' behavior, how people perceive me, etc. And then I thought about what things I can control, like what I eat, wear, say, and think. The difference between the two comes down to the fact that I can only control myself and MY reaction (both internally and externally) to things I can't control. I cannot control anything else... SO it makes no sense to try so hard to do so! The result of this meditation was me realizing that I need to move forward in this manner: think about what my true goals are, take steps toward those things, and then leave everything up to God. What usually ends up happening is that I "give it to God" but then something goes awry and I blame people for screwing up God's plan. Then I doubt how God might fix it, worry that someone else will make it worse, and I end up taking it back from God to try to take back control. How counter-productive is that! (I'm sure none of you can relate, right?)

It's like those times we've all experienced - when we "try too hard" to do something and then as soon as we relax and stop trying altogether, it ends up coming easily. From trying to recall someone's name, to trying to have a baby, I've seen it over and over in my life and others. When we let go, then things can more naturally flow into our lives, according to His plan.

Yesterday when I launched the desires of my heart out into the endless ocean - to God - it was a natural reaction of mine to question... "But, I have to keep that list. I have to act on that list. I can't just send it out into nothingness. I have to have control..." Oops! There is was. Control. "Nope, you don't have control, Kim. I do. I know the desires of your heart. You walk toward them as I guide you, and let go of what the outcome will be. When you encounter people and circumstances, let them be what they are. Don't judge them. I am still in control." Wow! What a hard thing for me to do!

In Matthew 6 & 7 - as part of his great sermon on how to live life in a new revolutionary way he came to show us - Jesus says (my paraphrase), "Why do you worry about your life and your plans for the future? Look at nature - all of creation. If all these living things are cared for, seasons change, things grow and flourish and are beautiful, don't you think God will care for you, his most prized creation, as much or more?! Here is what you should do. Seek His Kingdom first, treating others the way you want to be treated, and don't worry about tomorrow. Then you will be taken care of abundantly!"

It's a daily struggle, this control issue. I'll be working on it. How about you?


Blogger Elisabeth Snell Wang said...

As a recovering control freak, this season of my life has been hard. While we know in our heads that we really don't have control over anything, our hearts take constant reminding. Over and over I catch myself acknowledging my lack of control and in the very next breath offering my two-cents to take it back. I hope that God finds this more amusing than frustrating in we mere creatures!

November 19, 2012 at 2:50 PM  

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