Smiles... Prayers... Grace!

My deepest thoughts on spirituality and life lessons.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Be Still and Know - Day 4

[If you're just now joining in, you may want to read my introduction first.]

Weekend schedule meant that I meditated at about 8 this morning (much better than 5:30!). When I'm not in the house alone, I've started using my iPod for my soft, meditative music. It works great to drown out the extra noises, and to not bother anyone else.

This morning's meditation was not anything extraordinary, but it was still purposeful and fulfilling. This morning for some reason it was more difficult to focus. I think it was partially the fact that Leon isn't home (on a camping trip with Emily), so I felt like I needed to be aware of what the boys were doing and if they needed me, I didn't want to be fully lost in meditation... kind of the same reason I don't sleep as well when he's gone. 

Those random interrupting thoughts seemed to flood in, and as much as I released them, more came. So I ended up more in a mode of prayer than meditation, just offering up certain people to God as they came to my mind. There was a bit of a difference than the usual prayer time, though. Today I feel like I allowed the Spirit to guide what and who I prayed for more, rather than coming to him with my list. And I ended my time of prayer/meditation very relaxed and ready for my day once again.

I'm still working through my pride or whatever you'd call it in me that cares what other people think. I'm doing my best to be completely open and honest on the blog, here. And it is hard for me to not think that some people will be questioning my practices or my ways of thinking... mainly because I know how I was not so very long ago. I would have judged. Yet, as the days go by, I think I'm letting it go more and more. I actually did feel lighter and more free today... free from that concern.

I attended a women's event today, and it was really a wonderful experience that was so congruent with my meditative experiences...
1) I love people! I saw so many faces of friends, mentors, young and old, long-time and brand-new. That, in and of itself, filled my heart!
2) A few ladies shared stories from their own lives of joy in the midst of pain, hope springing from tragedy, and love abounding where once there was none. Not only were the stories touching, but I felt as if I connected so much more with what they were saying - not because I've necessarily experienced the same level of deep pain, struggles, or tragedy, but because I just felt the Spirit's presence there with us in a very tangible way, as they opened their hearts. All of us in the room were collectively as one, during those moments. Beautiful.
3) A new friend of mine was the "featured speaker" for the event. Though I knew she was a writer and preacher (well, since she's a She, we don't seem to use that word, but that's what she is) and a great encourager, I had not yet heard her speak before. Well, let me tell you, she brought it! With grace, authenticity, wisdom and such eloquence, she spoke of our need for Rest, for Rest in God, no matter how crappy life is, or how wonderful life is, at any given moment. Her words spoke to my soul and reinforced my calling to silence and contemplative practices. I am so grateful for her and the way God speaks through her.

You and I - and every person in this universe - are spiritual beings, deeply loved by our Creator, invited and called to live an abundant and fulfilling life, whatever our circumstances may be. I think we (the big collective "we") are rediscovering this... rediscovering our spiritual selves - our true selves - the selves we were created to be. 

So let's rediscover! ...and then not ever forget!


Blogger the bowlin family said...

Kim, I love your authenticity, your heart, and you! I am enjoying reading about your journey with meditation and once again your life is an encouragement and inspiration to me to get out of my box. I love you!! So honored to call you my friend. :)

November 11, 2012 at 9:14 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

Thanks sweet friend! You're an inspiration to me as well... guess that's what friends are supposed to be for each other. Thanks for reading along. :)

November 11, 2012 at 10:00 PM  

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