Smiles... Prayers... Grace!

My deepest thoughts on spirituality and life lessons.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Be Still and Know - Day 22

Yesterday I did not meditate.
...and all is still well in the world.

I fully intended to, but every time I kept setting aside time to do it, I felt I needed to be doing something else. No, really, I did. Interestingly, this was different than the usual "oops, I forgot" or avoidance of a chore. And, very intriguing to me, I did not miss it, which seems such the antithesis of what I would have expected!

How is it possible that I wasn't affected negatively by missing this life-bringing practice that has become a part of me?

As I've thought through this, I think I've arrived at an explanation that makes sense.  Having meditated for 20 days in a row, and having developed a connectedness with God and my True Self more fully (yes, I feel that deep in the core of my being), I was able to maintain that connectedness throughout the day, even without a specific set-aside time in meditation. Now, it wasn't as if I never had a thought about meditating or spending time with God all day. In fact, because I knew I had not meditated, frequently throughout the day I brought my attention inward, became present in the moment and thought through what I needed to do, "Do I need to stop everything and meditate right now?" And what I heard the Spirit say was, "No, right now you need to not worry about making time to do this just to check it off your list for the day. You need to be engaging with this person right now... you need to focus on your kids... you need to stay here and do this..."

I was in a state of connection to my Source all day! I believe my continued practice of meditation has made that happen much more naturally than ever before.

So, this morning my soul must have known, better than my usual conscious self, what I needed. I woke up at 5:30 - naturally and easily (that's crazy for me!) - and immediately wanted to spend time in meditation and communion with God. I easily spent an hour or so inside my soul with God, soaking Him in, letting my deepest concerns and my utmost longings be absorbed my His Goodness, Mercy and Love. Different friends and circumstances were brought to my attention during that time, and so I gave myself in prayer to them. It was such a sweet, sweet hour.

I am reminded of Jesus, and how it is recorded that he went about "doing life." He poured himself into his ministry day in and day out. But many times he would withdraw to the mountain or some place away from the crowds to pray and commune with God. Really think about that... If even Jesus needed time to connect with God in order to fulfill His purpose on earth, we can be assured that we will never experience the abundant life He came to bring us, or fulfill our own purpose on this earth, if we do not also take time - in silence, by ourselves, away from the busyness of life - to commune with God.

That is most certainly a simple truth I am learning.

PS: The picture above is a painting by my favorite artist, a prodigy, Akiane Kramarik. She is now 17, but painted this when she was just 10. It is entitled, Jeshua - The Missing Years. Here is what she says about this painting: "At 14, during one of his meditations, Jesus is talking with his father in heaven about the new earth, where only joy and peace would reign. In the background the galactic hand is reaching out for love and truth." There is more she shares about this painting in her book, Akiane, Her Life, Her Art, Her Poetry.


Blogger Spiegs said...

That's beautiful, friend. Love you.

November 28, 2012 at 10:26 AM  
Blogger Elisabeth Snell Wang said...

I understand this completely. And, I just think of it as more of God's grace. He doesn't want us to feel condemned or defeated or any negative guilt-based emotion when we don't "do" time with Him. He wants us 24/7, and it is just that spending time with Him regularly helps us get to that point.

November 30, 2012 at 12:12 PM  

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