Smiles... Prayers... Grace!

My deepest thoughts on spirituality and life lessons.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Embracing Where You Are

A recent realization: I embrace where I am along my journey much better than I used to.

The back story is that I am an ever-recovering perfectionist. This means I have something in me that, when it comes to what I produce, does not like to settle for anything but over the top, 110%, best of the best. Not a horrible trait to have in this capitalistic, individualistic culture of ours, but not so great to have when it comes to possessing important spiritual attributes like peace, patience and grace. The reasons to work against this tendency are many, but for me mainly include saving myself from major stress, keeping myself grounded in reality, and keeping me humble... and sane.

So, what I've noticed recently is that I really am beginning to enjoy being good, or even just okay, as opposed to stand-out-exceptional. I know that sounds a bit odd maybe. Let me attempt to explain.

I always want to be growing, improving, becoming.

When I recognize others who are much better than I at something, it absolutely thrills me! It inspires me: not in the competitive way, but in a truly joyful way. I love celebrating the beauty of others who are fulfilling exactly who God created them to be!

Now there are some people who revel being on top to the degree that they only surround themselves with people who are mediocre or poor performers. They want to look good and feel good about themselves at the expense of others, as they actually keep their peers from growing and improving. They may not even realize their tendencies in this. It's merely ego that guides them. They are threatened by those who excel beyond themselves, so they keep a significant distance from those who are the best.

I don't ever want to be that person!

I strive to surround myself with friends and colleagues who are better than I at all kinds of things, and I love it! I love getting to know people who are the best at what they do! They stretch me. They pull me forward and challenge me to grow. As I like to think of it, they make me glow! Their beauty radiates brilliantly, multiplying my own light, and filling my life with good, very good, blessings.

Sometimes when we see someone shine, it's like a switch is triggered in our heads, and our self-talk immediately makes the comparisons. You're not nearly as beautiful as she is. You can't carry a tune in a bucket, much less ever bless others with your voice like his. You really stink at organizing, don't even try to attempt what she did. You couldn't write a sentence that eloquent to save your life...

But here's a different way to react. When someone truly excels at something, we can see God. And, oh goodness, how we want to see more of God, don't we?! The talents and gifts in people are true miracles and wonders. Let's see them as such! They are gifts from God. They are glimpses of God himself.

We can choose to put away the coveting, the comparing and the envy, and we can begin to celebrate the God-given strengths in each of us. We can embrace who we are and where we are, and know that when we see others excel, it can be such a blessing and encouragement to us as we grow and become.

Where are you along your journey?
Are you fighting against it, or embracing it?
Who are you surrounding yourself with to make you better and glow brighter?

Notice the beauty in excellence, and celebrate God in you and God in others!


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