Smiles... Prayers... Grace!

My deepest thoughts on spirituality and life lessons.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Why Lent?

In our world of excess, instant-gratification, and self-indulgence, this topic is just not appropriate!

Depriving myself for the purpose of self-examination and focus on Truth. Choosing to align myself with Christ's sufferings. Acknowledging my sinfulness and depravity. Dwelling on my own brokenness, and Christ's death.

Yuck. That's just depressing! This smiley, positive girl just wants to ignore all that!

Why in the world should I do all those Lent things? Won't it just bring me down? Won't focusing on all my junk just make me want to give up?

And shouldn't I dwell on positive things? Don't I need to just focus on grace covering my sins, and let that negative stuff go?  Jesus is Alive, not dead, and why should anything else matter?

Um, well, let's hash this out, Kim...
(Yes, these kinds of conversations actually play out in my head sometimes.)

As Scripture says in Ecclesiastes, "For everything there is a season." While I should definitely focus on positive things, let grace flow abundantly, and clearly understand that Resurrection happened and happens, this 40 days of the 365 we're given each year is a time for acknowledging and understanding what is behind that grace, love, and resurrection. There is immense purpose and power in self-denial and self-reflection. For when we humble ourselves, we find ourselves.

The observance of Lent helps us realign ourselves with the truth of our position. It helps us see ourselves in proper perspective, and gives reminds us of our proper posture. When we distance ourselves from our self-indulgent life, we are able to gain a clearer perspective of who we really are.

Who am I that You are mindful of me, God? I am but one small flicker of a candle. I am but a millisecond in infinity. I but a drop in the ocean. I am one breath in the wind. I am nothing.

Christ's humility, his servanthood, his sufferings, and his obedience to the point of death, all preceded his resurrection and exaltation (Philippians 2:5-11). Accordingly, the practice of Lent seeks to bring me into alignment with Christ. It places me within my own humility, suffering, servant position and obedience. Then and only then, can I experience the resurrection and exaltation with Christ, too.

God longs to resurrect me from all that is not the True Me, and exalt me to the point of being exactly who I am created to be: a child of His, gifted and purposed to be a blessing. ... But first comes humility, my proper position.

Yes, I know our culture can barely stand a 5 minute wait in front of the microwave, a distracted waitress at a restaurant, or an uncomfortable chair in a doctors office. But those of us who are spiritually aware can handle this. We absolutely will benefit from this small but acute practice of self-denial and self-examination, called Lent. We really must choose on occasion to descend into our own souls to discover what is there. Observing Lent gives us that extremely important opportunity.

And so here I find myself observing Lent. This positive, upbeat girl is daily meditating on my nothingness, on my brokenness, on my constant need for cleansing, and on my humble position, all the while listening to God. For the practice of "taking something off", this plump and food-loving girl is also voluntarily abstaining from sweets. When I am tempted to treat my taste buds, I am reminded that there is something much, much better than sweets that I choose to consume. And for the practice of  "putting something on" this girl who can mostly be found at my desk and on the computer is choosing to be active and outside more, playing with my kids and saying yes to them more.

These small practices work to bring my mind, my body, and my spirit together for necessary refining. It's hardly suffering, and it's very doable.

And the anticipation of Easter Sunday increases with each day!
I can hardly wait to celebrate LIFE once again!

The waiting is good.


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