Smiles... Prayers... Grace!

My deepest thoughts on spirituality and life lessons.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Heart Connections: Part One

You know this: God is Love.

Ponder the incredible, incomprehensible depth of this! God is a Love that encompasses all that is good: kindness, compassion, gentleness, justice, peace, grace, joy, tenderness, truth... This Love is huge. It's unfathomable. It's amazing and all embracing. God is Love.

And now ponder something else you know: God created you... that means YOU have been birthed by LOVE. When you think of something birthed by Love, what comes to mind? Well, that's you! You are beautiful and worthy. You are a precious child of God Himself - of Love Itself! And you were created to fulfill that birthright, living out a legacy of Love.
Visually it's something like this...
Now look at this tree, or think of an actual tree, as our metaphor. We bear the fruit - we possess the genetics - of what we are. But there is vital importance in the connections: Connection to the tree itself, and subsequent connections to other branches, twigs and leaves, are vital to bearing the fruit of who we are, and ultimately to fulfilling our birthright.

In John 15 we read of how Jesus shared this very concept with his disciples. He doesn't speak with the commanding language he sometimes used, rather we can almost feel the emotion and the depth of His love for his followers as he shares about the heart connection they have with Him. These disciples not only had been students of His Way, but they had become his dearest friends on earth. He shared with them His desire for them to remain connected to Him through understanding of their birthright and through bearing the fruit of that birthright by loving one another well.

His depth of love is the same for us. His desire for heart connections is the same for us. This is His Legacy of Love for us, so that we may live out the Legacy.

(Read John 15:1-17 now, picture Jesus sitting with you speaking this into your heart. Can you feel the depth of his love?)

Back to the image of the tree. Not only are we connected to the trunk, but to the tree as a whole. We are all connected to one another. Just as each leaf, twig and branch are all connected in some way every other branch, twig and leaf, so are we to one another. Some of us are very close to one another: we’re on the same twig. We live life together daily. Some of us are close, just on different branches nearby. And there are even many people we will never meet: we are on opposite sides of the tree, on different branches across the expanse of its foliage. Yet, all of us are one. All people have been created by God. All people have been birthed by Love. We are all family! Begin to shift your perspective and see all people as connected to you, as your family! Wow, how that can change how you relate to them! You see, our true connections with each other, our relationships to each other, are so important because they are our connection to God himself!

Where Love is present - acts of kindness, compassion, justice and truth - there is a true connection made. It is then that we are recognizing our birthright, our connection to the Tree, to Love, to God. Loving each other well is not only how we follow the example of Jesus Christ in sharing God with others (being little Christs, as the name Christian says) but also it's actually how we come to know God better!

God connections, Spirit connections, Heart Connections, connections of Love. They are the only real connections.

How can you strengthen your heart connection to the God?
And how can you strengthen your heart connections to others?
Do you see this as being important enough to really focus on and make needed changes?

Whether you see it as a lovely watercolor tree of hearts or the image of a mighty oak, our Heart Connections must be tended and strengthened always.

Keep growing. Keep living the Legacy!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Embracing Where You Are

A recent realization: I embrace where I am along my journey much better than I used to.

The back story is that I am an ever-recovering perfectionist. This means I have something in me that, when it comes to what I produce, does not like to settle for anything but over the top, 110%, best of the best. Not a horrible trait to have in this capitalistic, individualistic culture of ours, but not so great to have when it comes to possessing important spiritual attributes like peace, patience and grace. The reasons to work against this tendency are many, but for me mainly include saving myself from major stress, keeping myself grounded in reality, and keeping me humble... and sane.

So, what I've noticed recently is that I really am beginning to enjoy being good, or even just okay, as opposed to stand-out-exceptional. I know that sounds a bit odd maybe. Let me attempt to explain.

I always want to be growing, improving, becoming.

When I recognize others who are much better than I at something, it absolutely thrills me! It inspires me: not in the competitive way, but in a truly joyful way. I love celebrating the beauty of others who are fulfilling exactly who God created them to be!

Now there are some people who revel being on top to the degree that they only surround themselves with people who are mediocre or poor performers. They want to look good and feel good about themselves at the expense of others, as they actually keep their peers from growing and improving. They may not even realize their tendencies in this. It's merely ego that guides them. They are threatened by those who excel beyond themselves, so they keep a significant distance from those who are the best.

I don't ever want to be that person!

I strive to surround myself with friends and colleagues who are better than I at all kinds of things, and I love it! I love getting to know people who are the best at what they do! They stretch me. They pull me forward and challenge me to grow. As I like to think of it, they make me glow! Their beauty radiates brilliantly, multiplying my own light, and filling my life with good, very good, blessings.

Sometimes when we see someone shine, it's like a switch is triggered in our heads, and our self-talk immediately makes the comparisons. You're not nearly as beautiful as she is. You can't carry a tune in a bucket, much less ever bless others with your voice like his. You really stink at organizing, don't even try to attempt what she did. You couldn't write a sentence that eloquent to save your life...

But here's a different way to react. When someone truly excels at something, we can see God. And, oh goodness, how we want to see more of God, don't we?! The talents and gifts in people are true miracles and wonders. Let's see them as such! They are gifts from God. They are glimpses of God himself.

We can choose to put away the coveting, the comparing and the envy, and we can begin to celebrate the God-given strengths in each of us. We can embrace who we are and where we are, and know that when we see others excel, it can be such a blessing and encouragement to us as we grow and become.

Where are you along your journey?
Are you fighting against it, or embracing it?
Who are you surrounding yourself with to make you better and glow brighter?

Notice the beauty in excellence, and celebrate God in you and God in others!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Living Life Awake

Sleepwalking through life. It's just so easy to do. Going through the motions. Just surviving the day, then the next, and the next.

I know you've been there. You might be there now.

so Where is the joy?
     and How do you wake up?

Living life awake begins with your breath.

Stop reading. Close your eyes, and take a slow, deep breath. ... Go ahead. I'll wait. Do it.

It feels so good. You needed that. A deep breath awakens your senses and brings you to the present moment. Do it again. And one more time. Until you find yourself smiling, if only for a fleeting moment, on the inside.

Now. You are awake to this moment. When you are present in this moment, you are able to experience life wide awake. You are able to receive what God has for you. He has LIFE for you. In. each. moment. Right now. Life.

When I'm sleepwalking through life, all I'm focused on is getting to the end of that meeting, the end of that phone call, the end of that chore, the end of the day. I long for the moment when my head hits the pillow. Then I just dread the sunshine that will come too soon. My head swims with worry (about the future) and regret (over the past). I strip myself of life itself, because I am not living any moment in it. I am never here. Never present.

So I must breathe. Especially when I'm running 90 miles an hour. I must allow myself to be. here. now.

When you're folding the never-ending laundry, what can you receive from the moment? Breathe deeply. Enjoy the fresh scent of clean clothes. Experience the sense of accomplishment as the pile becomes stacks. Acknowledge the little lives who wear those socks and that favorite shirt, who dry their bodies with that fluffy towel and enjoyed muddying up those shorts yesterday.

When you are running errands and just trying to shorten that list, what can bring you joy in the moments? Breathe deeply. Notice the carefree squirrel who crosses the alley in front of you: "I can be worry-free like him. God cares for me even more"... or Look in the faces of the clerks and the people in line with you: could they use a smile or a gracious offering?

When you are overwhelmed with the weight of failing relationships or surmounting debt or your own poor choices, how can you endure the present moment? Breathe deeply. Notice your breath. and start counting...Blessing #1: You are alive. Be grateful for that which you cannot manufacture. It is simply a gift: your breath. Blessing #2: You are loved dearly by the One who created you as a priceless treasure. Blessing #3: You can feel the pain of your trials, breathe through the pain, and eventually make it to the other side. Believe it. You will make it. You are alive in this moment, and God is redeeming your circumstances in this very moment. You are choosing to live life awake and not sleepwalk through it!

Live life awake to the present moment. This now is the only reality. This now is the only place where God brings you the abundant life he so desperately wants for you. This now is the only place where you can let God's love flow out of you.


Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know that I am.
Be still and know.
Be still.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Through the Touch of Another

What you we need most right now? Is it money? alone time? a break? patience? a new car? restored health? sleep?

Our needs often seem countless and overwhelm us as they cry out for our attention. But let's see if a change in perspective can help us.

Let's change the question a bit and leave off those last two words: What do you need most? In other words, in the broader perspective, looking at your life, what do you truly need the most to be fully you?

     A tender touch. 
          A kind word.
                              Real connections.

These are the things that keep our souls alive. These are the truly important things in life. These are the things that - when the money, patience, sleep, health and other things are lacking - keep us grounded, whole, and full at our core. We can struggle with the surface needs and still be well when these needs are met.
"Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to know, It is well. It is well with my soul." Horatio G. Spafford
Be grateful if you find yourself feeling loved, having true friends and family you can call on, and understanding your purpose for here and now. Those things are HUGE! You are so very, very blessed! Your need for a break, or money or even health - while important to tend to when life permits - can be placed in their proper perspective as less essential and secondary to the soul nourishing needs you have being met. Really, take a moment, bask in the beauty of knowing your worth, and be deeply grateful!

On the other hand, it's when we find ourselves flailing around in life, feeling our needs are unmet but not even really knowing why, that it's likely these core needs are missing. And when we're in that state, our best recourse can seem out of reach or even invisible. We have to discover Love, Relationship, and Purpose somehow... but how?

Maybe it's through the touch of another.

You see, those of us who find ourselves above the waves for the time being, in a period of security and well being, have opportunities all around us to extend a saving hand! When my true needs are being met, I should make myself aware of those around me who may find themselves lacking a core need, and I can be a soul saver. It is then that I participate in bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to earth, as Jesus taught us to do. (Matthew 18:18-20)

So, if you're feeling loved...
  • Make a phone call to an acquaintance who needs it.
  • Send an encouraging note to a discouraged co-worker.
  • Give a smile to the clerk or the mailman.
  • Give a hug to a single mom or widow.
  • Buy her a coffee and offer an ear.
  • Pray for him and tell him you are.
  • Ask how she's doing and truly care to hear the answer.
“The greatest compliment that was ever paid me was when one asked me what I thought, and attended to my answer.” Henry David Thoreau
You know these things already. You've heard them and read them before. They may seem cliché or obvious. I don't care. We may know them, but we don't do them enough for each other; I know I don't often enough! Therefore, they bear repeating again and again until they are a part of each of us always.

I promise to take a look around me. It may be a friend, but it also may be someone who's not a friend. It may be a stranger or just a face I know. Maybe a homeless woman walking down the street. Who is in need of a Touch of Love I could extend?

Let's bring the Kingdom to our neighborhoods and communities much more often - allowing God to meet the soul needs of others through simple touches of kindness from us!
"Two are better than one, if one falls down, the other can help him up... Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Monday, June 3, 2013

Hello Friends

Here's an update, and hopefully a re-launch, as I get back to blogging. I noticed that I started three different posts over the last couple of months and never finished and published any of them... maybe I'll get back to those this summer!

Since I last blogged, I have had lots of life going on (...on top of the collective life that has happened, too, like... Boston... West... Oklahoma...  Singular words which speak volumes of at their utterance. Emotional prayers for families I've never met have been too prevalent these days.)

For me personally it's been a season of action. Positive, enriching action. There comes a time when you have to put feet to your callings, and this has apparently been my time. Hard work, yes. But so fulfilling!

I've had the privilege of being speaker for a few events! It's what I set out to do, but somehow it's always a little shocking and very humbling when I'm asked... and also, really a thrill! God is so good and has led me along every step, and I'm just overjoyed to share some of that with others. The planning and preparation times have been intense - filled with lots of personal soul searching, study, contemplation and prayer. Ultimately they each have been a very fulfilling experiences. I hope to share some of my thoughts from those lessons here on the blog over the summer.

I also have begun the HUGE forever journey of long-term, major weight-loss. After years of feeling fine with myself, and ultimately just not caring much about my weight, my age caught up with me and the tipping point began to occur... higher than normal blood sugar levels, higher than normal blood pressure readings. AGH! I don't want to live there if at all possible! And in general, I just began to feel that I was not so healthy anymore. I had started about 10 times over the last couple of years to "be good" and "eat better" but it took me getting a dear friend on board as my advisor to kick my butt when I need it, to give me ideas, strategies, and to inspire me to keep going. I'm feeling awesome and am almost to ONE-der-land again! You'll likely read a blog post when I hit it!

There has also been fun family events like graduations, baby showers, and crawfish boils. If we're facebook friends you likely already know about those. The kids are growing up so fast. This season of my life is definitely spent being taxi mom A LOT. And next year I'll have a kid in High School! It's hard to believe!

I am really so thankful for where I am in life, and how God is stretching me. What a blessing to be tethered to a Power so great and shaped by a Love so intimate! That's truly what my life is about.

So that's what's up with me! More enriching and encouraging posts to come...