Smiles... Prayers... Grace!

My deepest thoughts on spirituality and life lessons.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

Today is my 14th wedding anniversary!

I truly believe that I have the very best husband in all of the whole wide world!!! (I know that sentence was filled with every superlative possible, and that you think I'm being overly dramatic, but, no, really, he is simply THE BEST!)

Over the 19 years I've known him, I've discovered these things (among many others) that make him so wonderful:

1) People are drawn to him because he says what he thinks (with a few filters) and usually it comes across as humorous and genuine... even if you completely disagree with him, somehow it's hard not to like him.

2) He's become a guy who truly loves people. He truly cares about what's going on in people's lives. He looks past faults in others and sees their value and their potential. He brings out the best in everyone around him.

3) Without him, I would not be able to do all of the "extra" things I do. He supports me in all ways! He helps me decide which things to say yes to and which things to let go. He listens and gives advice when I need to make a decision or deal with an issue. He happily (yes, I know it's crazy but I did say happily!) takes care of the kids when I need to head to a meeting or spend time on a project.

4) He is my partner, never my adversary. He does the housework when he sees it needs doing. He anticipates my stressful days and steps in to encourage me or help with an errand. He heads home early when I need some extra help. When we have an issue in our relationship, he doesn't play games or shut down, he communicates!

5) Fatherhood suits him so well. He's involved deeply in each of our children's lives. From sports games, to tickle attacks, to diapers, he's an amazing daddy! He teaches them not just through discipline, but through his example and meaningful conversations. The kids love spending time with their daddy - they rock out to music together, wrestle together, pray together, read together, play ball together, work outside together... and all the while the kids are learning from the best example they could have!

6) He's fun!

7) He loves God!

8) He tells me he loves me!

9) He thinks I'm sexy!

10) He's humble in that he knows he's not perfect, and that he's still growing and maturing into who God has purposed him to be .... and because of that, he's easy to talk to, easy to live life with, easy to parent with, easy to be attracted to, easy to love with all of my being!

God has blessed me so much with this wonderful man! Our marriage has had ups and downs - as all marriages have to varying degrees. He hasn't always been all those fabulous things I've listed, and I haven't always been the wife I need to be, either. But God is so good, and He has blessed us as we've worked through things together. Our marriage has become an amazingly wonderful one and it's hard to believe, but I know it's true, that it will get even better as the years go by! I'm so thankful and can't wait to see what God has in store for the rest of this awesome union of marriage!


Blogger Lauren said...

Awwww, that's so sweet! I agree that Leon is a GREAT fella. He's been my brother since I was 10 years old!! And thanks for posting that. It made me realize that I need to brag on my hubby more often (to him and to others).

Love, L

October 8, 2008 at 1:08 PM  
Blogger the bowlin family said...

what a sweet post. i hope leon read all the sweet things you said about him. congrats on 14 years.

October 15, 2008 at 9:12 PM  

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