Smiles... Prayers... Grace!

My deepest thoughts on spirituality and life lessons.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Out of the Mouths of Babes

I've always said I love bedtime for the kids. First, it's great to think that in a few moments they will be sleeping soundly and Leon and I can have a break, adult conversation, and get some things done. Second, bedtime is somehow when all the deep questions in their little minds seem to arise and be asked. Maybe they just want to delay sleep a bit longer, but maybe they really want some answers. I've had some wonderful spiritual discussions with my boys at bedtime. And now Emily is getting to that age.

So last night, when I usually lay her down with a tickle, Emily says, "Mom, for tonight say, 'Do you want tickling or talking?'"
"Okay," I said, "tickling or talking?"
The expected response from Emily, "Talking."
"Okay, what do you want to talk about?"
Thus began the deep, burning questions:
"Why don't daddy's have babies grow in their tummies?" and "Why did God make people have clothes?" then later when Leon came in, "What is Fantasy Football?"

Good questions, I thought! We had a great three-year-old level discussion!

Now I have to share about Trey... Last night he had a birthday party for a girl in his grade from 7-10pm... yes, I said 7-10pm.... and it was a dance, no less! How could my little fourth grader be going to a party like this yet!? Yikes! I was a little concerned, but Leon took him, stayed for a while, determined that it was harmless, and came on home... and then picked him up a little early since we had church today. He had a great time.

Yesterday we were asking Trey about this girl and what she would like for a present. I asked if she was a girly-girl or more of a tom-boy. Trey said well, she's girly, but she's probably the fastest girl in fourth grade, so she's kind of a tom-boy. Leon inquired further, "So, is she cute?" With a little roll of his eyes and a flick of his hand, he said the greatest "I-can-get-around-this-one" answer I've heard in a while, "Well, in some other people's opinions she might be." ... Priceless!

Some other priceless words from my kiddos this week:
~ Very matter-of-fact-ly Timothy said he was ready to be dead and in heaven... so he could be with Grandy, of course.
~ Emily almost convinced Timothy that she could drive. (She's really very convincing!)
~ Trey spent some time explaining to me that he was probably just as good at soccer as Timothy's coach. (no issues with self-esteem I suppose!)
~ Emily kept calling the hurricane, the HAIR-icane, and she ate some MUSTACHE-ios instead of pistachios the other day.

And so I won't leave George out... He has taken his first steps (a week ago) and will walk five or six steps before deciding to crawl which is currently more efficient... He climbs up on everything: couch, coffee table, hearth, etc. ... He's a huge "cuddle bug" and he's turning out to be a lefty - great at throwing things!

Kids are so much fun!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow you have so many kids. I don't know how you do it!

September 14, 2008 at 9:49 PM  
Blogger Lauren said...

So cute! Thanks for sharing! Let's just say that when Ben & I have kids, I'll be referring their questions to Aunt Kim & Uncle Leon. ;)

September 15, 2008 at 12:30 PM  

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