Smiles... Prayers... Grace!

My deepest thoughts on spirituality and life lessons.

Monday, August 25, 2008

My Heart

I've always wanted to be a missionary! I was just reminded of that deep-seated passion I have, when I got an e-newsletter from one of my friends who serves as one in South East Asia... and it just made me happy! Above is a picture of a child God loves... and now I do to!

At a young age, inspired by my own family's summer mission trips and the GAs church mission group, I decided I wanted to be a missionary and I became pretty sure that God would send me to some jungle or desert to share the love of Jesus with people there. That was my plan.

Then I met and fell in love with Leon, and one day we had this exchange...
Leon: "So what does it really mean to be a missionary?"
Kim: "Well, I suppose ultimately it just means that I do just what God tells me to do."
Leon: "So what if God tells you to be a wife and a mom?"
Kim: "Well, then I'll be a wife and a mom!"

Leon is great at making a point... and God used that conversation to shift my thinking. God had given me a heart for missions - for loving people - for sharing the message of Jesus. And I can do that in a jungle, a desert, distant mountains, or right in my own city, neighborhood and home as I live out a calling to be a wife and a mom!

And, along those lines, I've found that my goals have shifted as I've matured, more toward God's purposes, I believe: I don't really want to "convert people" or "get them saved"... those tasks have such inherent negativity... I just want to share with people the love and the message of Jesus, and pray that they will experience life in the Kingdom! I am experiencing such an abundant life - full of peace and hope that comes from God - and I want to share that with others!

So, while I've been on overseas mission trips, state-side mission trips, and have a definite passion for that kind of thing, God has not called me (or I should now say, hasn't called our family) to do that permanently (yet :)!). I am learning to be patient when God sets my heart on fire about something. Sometimes my idea of what I need to do with a passion isn't what God has in mind. But what He has in mind is always better! I love my life as a wife and mom and "at-home-missionary."

My M Friends
Part of my passion for missions is reflected in many friends I have who are on the mission field. I love hearing about what they are doing, praying for them, helping them and their ministries financially, and just being friends with them. I think it's really hard sometimes for missionaries to find kindred-spirits when it comes to their life's purpose, their way of thinking, their struggles, and their needs. I really try to be that for these friends. I would love it if you would join me in praying for them... or pick one to pray for once a month... that's doable, right?! And if you want to know more about them (since I can't include too much info on the blog) feel free to ask me!

  • A. in SE Asia, training college students to minister in the least reached areas... see
  • Michelle based in Richardson, TX currently... her team is serving among the Kurds in Iraq... see
  • Jenny & Ryan Simmons based in Dallas... ministering around the US... not typical "missionaries," but I consider them to be... feel free to ask me why... see
  • The Parks family in Singapore... ministering in Indonesia and much of SE Asia, too.
  • Mimi in Kazakhstan.
  • E & S in Indonesia.
  • C & S in Indonesia.
  • Brian & Erica Villarreal with Campus Crusade at Oklahoma State University.

In my friend's e-newsletter she had a link to a cool website: I've added it on my side bar now, too. You can spend as much time or as little time as you'd like on the site, and you can make a difference either way! Go ahead, try it! Pretty awesome way to kill some time, I'd say!

With a heart for the broken world... later everyone!


Blogger Jamers said...

it was nice meeting you today! I as well have a love for helping people and always wanted to travel to the least known places on earth...but instead God has me working with junior highers at Trinity and babysitting little kiddos in good ol Big D....funny how closed-minded we become when thinking about many people want to go overseas and help, but we need people to stay in our own backyard to help...sometimes not the most glamorous, but we're not called to glamour...we're called to spread the awesome news of Jesus Christ and just as many people here need it!!! hope to meet you again sometime!!!!

August 26, 2008 at 12:22 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

Hey Jamie, It was great to meet you, too! And thanks for bringing all that stuff! God is so good! I'm sure we'll meet again along the way!

August 26, 2008 at 1:37 PM  

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