Smiles... Prayers... Grace!

My deepest thoughts on spirituality and life lessons.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Why I love MOPS

As most of you know, MOPS, Mothers of Preschoolers, is an organization near and dear to my heart! I was thinking about why I love MOPS so much, and what sets it apart from any other moms group....

Friendships are the best part of MOPS! All moms have an intense need for relationships with other adults. Especially for stay-at-home moms, when your life revolves around diapering, feeding, disciplining, and making naps happen, you don't end up with a lot of time for developing relationships. MOPS meetings and outings are a wonderful time to build friendships with other moms who know just what you're going through. Some of my best friends in life I met in MOPS.... it's kind of like making friends in a fox hole - you get to be good friends really fast, and you forever have a unique bond!


I'm posting below the article I wrote for our MOPS newsletter about the power of encouragement. I truly believe that encouragement is vital to each of us. I thrive on it! And MOPS provides life-saving encouragement for moms when they are stuck in depression, feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of their role as a mom, or just needing to feel like their efforts are all worth it!


You might not expect to see this one. But MOPS is so great at developing moms into, not only better moms, but better women, leaders and followers of Christ. I have served on our leadership team for 8 of the 9 years I've been in MOPS, and it has allowed me the opportunity to use my gifts, express my passions, and grow so much in my relationship with the Lord. In MOPS I've developed management and event planning skills, learned to work with all types of people, learned to love deeper and be thankful for the blessings I have. I've been challenged as a mom to pray for my children more and be an "oak tree" for them. Whatever a mom's giftings or interests and passions, there is a place in MOPS to serve, to grow, and to be challenged.


Because MOPS is an international organization, there are a myriad of resources available. Really the resources are practically endless! Online at there are articles, chat rooms, activity ideas, devotionals... The MopShop online has books and all kinds of goodies to make your life easier and more fun... Then, my personal favorite are the local conferences and the international Convention, where you hear great speakers and experience workshops with other moms. Plus, each group has Mentor Moms! The Mentor Moms are an invaluable source of support and love and encouragement, and proof you can survive the preschool years! :)

MOPS invests in people. That's what I love about it!

Here's what I wrote for our MOPS newsletter...
The Power of Encouragement
by Kim Verriere

Have you ever thought about what the world would be like without encouragement? I'm pretty sure we would all be a complete mess! A simple act of encouragement can sweeten someone's day, impact someone's decisions, or even change the course someone's life!

I think of the Olympics that most of us have watched lately, and how many stories (told or untold) there are of encouragement - from parents, friends, teammates, coaches... Not one of those athletes would be where they are without encouragement! I also think of our children and how every little "atta-boy" or "great job" or "I knew you could do it!" can have a huge impact on how they behave, learn and grow. It's quite a huge responsibility and a wonderful privilege to encourage our children.

And then I think of MOPS. Encouragement is the reason MOPS exists! And boy, do I need it - especially when it comes to being a mom! I am so thankful for the role my MOPS friends have played in my life, encouraging me in my mothering - but also encouraging me as a woman, friend and leader. I would not be the person I am today without the encouragement from MOPS... that may sound huge, but that's the truth!

Whether this is your first time in MOPS as a new mom of an infant, or you're like me and have four children and are beginning your 10th year in MOPS (I can't believe it!) - or you're anywhere in between - you can look forward to this year in MOPS as a time to develop new friendships, learn and grow from great speakers and mentors, and most of all to be encouraged! I can't wait! See you there!


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