Smiles... Prayers... Grace!

My deepest thoughts on spirituality and life lessons.

Friday, December 14, 2012

A Cheery Disposition

I just realized how crappy this week has been... and then wondered why I've been singing Christmas songs aloud all morning long! At one point the kids even had to ask me to stop - apparently not everyone had as cheery a disposition as I. :) But I did get them to sing Frosty with me and everyone left with smiles.

We've had sickness and ailments which have caused a couple of missed parties and lunch dates (big bummer!), a jam-packed schedule otherwise, little mistakes and frustrating forgetfulness that has caused more running around, and now house-wide plumbing problems.

This week has been full of things trying to drag me down, but it has also been filled with many nuggets of blessings! A crock-pot of warm soup was dropped off at my door one day. I had a heart-warming conversation with a dear friend yesterday. I made a ton of progress on my Christmas shopping somehow this week. Our family is a part of a fantastic Christmas program at church that speaks to my soul every time we rehearse. I got to spend a day alone with my daughter this week (never mind that it was because of sickness - we still made it a fun day together). Oh, and I got my hair done and love it (which, btw, prompted my posting of a pic on facebook that ended up being a huge self-image boost... good grief, I have the best, most complimentary friends!!) And the list could go on and on, I'm sure.

It all has to do with your perspective and how you respond to your circumstances. Choose joy. But that's SO MUCH easier said than done, right!?

Recalling a list of my week's negative circumstances, I don't have a good explanation for my cheery self today. But compiling this list of my week's blessings, how could I not be cheery, really?! I have been keeping up with my meditation time with God, and my very thought-provoking Advent devotions, and I believe that has helped me maintain perspective in the midst of a very common (albeit, broken) life this week. I am so very thankful and thrilled that my inclination this week has been to flow with the rhythm of things, accept circumstances, and just proceed through them. That doesn't mean I have been cheery all week. I have still felt the pain of life, been brought to tears, felt deeply for my sick daughter and grieving friends. But this verse has come back to me over and over again. It is the promise which Advent holds,

"I will not cause pain, without allowing something new to be born." says the Lord.
Isaiah 66:9 NCV

What a beautiful promise!

As I sit here waiting on the rotorooter people to arrive, I should have knots in my back (my usual sign of stress) and be near tears of frustration over the literal and figurative crap that has been thrown my way.... Instead I'm feeling joyful. It must be because of the hope that this promise holds for my day... and my week ...and my life ...and for the world.

Here's to us all maintaining a cheery disposition, grounded in true Hope and Joy, throughout the holiday season! Merry Christmas everyone!


Blogger Lauren said...

Hi sis! I'm so sorry you had such a crappy week! But good for you for keeping it all in perspective! And I saw the pic on facebook--you are beautiful! Love you!

December 14, 2012 at 12:17 PM  
Blogger the bowlin family said...

you are such a blessing to me kim!! thank you for being you. for challenging me with your blog. for sharing a cup of coffee and an hour of your time. i am blessed by you! oh, and i too love the new hair. :)

December 14, 2012 at 12:38 PM  
Blogger Mandy said...

This post reminds me of the devotional I just wrote on keeping our focus on things eternal. Praying for you! And yes, you are beautiful outside and in!

December 14, 2012 at 2:29 PM  

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