Smiles... Prayers... Grace!

My deepest thoughts on spirituality and life lessons.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Encouraging Whispers

I've been in bed most of the last two days, sick with who knows what - just something attacking my body with fever then aches. I'm on the mend today, but not really well yet. And all I have to say is that there is too much to do to be sick! It just stinks! I was able to think a lot (mainly about all the things that needed doing) and pray a lot (which was actually a blessing). But two days in bed is making me over-do it today, so I keep reminding myself to take it easy. Blogging seems to be a good compromise (as my children run screaming around me). :)

Now, for the substance.

I ordered new "business cards." Well, they're "mommy cards" I guess. Or "me cards" to be exact. They are something to hand out to people when I need to share my info with someone. I hope I like them when they get here.

Like them or not, creating those cards actually gave me a boost. Something I now know that I needed. I had to decide what info I wanted to include on the card. The promptings on the website said "company" and "title" and "company motto" and stuff like that. So it made me think about what my "motto" was... what my "title" is... who and what I am. I came up with

"wife. mom. friend. reader. writer. speaker. graphic publisher."
I don't know what people might think when they read all that. But it's me. I pride myself in being a wife, mother and friend, and I almost left it at that. But it felt incomplete, so I added the things that make my heart sing. I love reading and writing, though I don't do it enough. And "graphic publisher" is the label I came up with for what I usually spend my volunteer time doing: I publish the Yale Elementary Roadrunner (PTA newsletter) every month school is in session. I do flyers and brocures and such for neighborhood, school and church stuff regularly. Years ago I did a 170 page cookbook for our MOPS group. Last fall I put together a missions Prayer & Devotional Guide for our church, which included information on all of our mission efforts. And this year I published Yale's 6th Grade Memory Book, which is basically a yearbook from their kindergarten year through their sixth grade year - 175 pages, hundreds of pictures, and LOTS of work, that was! I have kind of fallen into doing this kind of thing, meaning I never set out to make it a hobby, but I really enjoy it.  

And, then as for the label "speaker," I actually don't do a whole lot of that. I really debated whether or not to include it. But it's something I'd like to do more of as my kids get older, and it's something God seems to keep bringing to mind, so I typed it. ... And I ordered the cards.

Well, today I was asked to speak to a ladies group. How cool is that!

I love how God works in whispers and nudgings to encourage and guide us. And if we listen and respond, circumstances arise that validate those whispers and nudgings. And before you know it, you get to experience specific ways He is working in your life. 

It made me smile for sure!


Blogger Elisabeth said...

I love it! Congrats on your cards & the comfort with your identity. :-) I've got a few friends who design those "business cards for moms & teachers" - and they are awesome. Very practical!

June 24, 2011 at 4:02 PM  
Blogger SandyD said...

I have toyed with getting those very cards for myself and have simply hit a wall when looking at the cursor next to the title field. I love your idea and may borrow/adapt it when I get a few minutes to order my own cards ... someday! :)

June 26, 2011 at 10:57 PM  

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