Smiles... Prayers... Grace!

My deepest thoughts on spirituality and life lessons.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Georgie got a haircut!

George hates hair cuts.... He's actually only had two in his young life, but he screams when he gets them. So, to avoid the drama, I just let his hair get quite long. It's been several months since he got it cut last, and I've just trimmed his bangs so they don't hang in his eyes. Thank goodness long shaggy hair is in style for boys!

So yesterday George, as usual, wanted to go outside. He LOVES being outside. I know most kids do, but he REALLY loves it, more than my other kiddos did at this age. I took him out on the front steps and we just sat for a while. He was actually enjoying just sitting there feeling the breeze and the warm Texas-in-January air.

His hair has been looking pretty shaggy lately, and I even saved a coupon for the kid cut place, but I haven't been able to bring myself to take him and endure the torture. So as we were sitting there, I was playing with his long locks... when the idea hit me! What if I just went and got some scissors and let him sit here and do what he wanted while I stealthily snip away? ... I won't go too far, just get this back part that seems to stick out all the time...

Well, you can already guess that I didn't just get the back part... I mean, there's no real way to stop snipping when you don't know how to cut hair, and have never done it, and the kid is actually sitting there playing with sticks and letting you cut his hair, and you have to keep fixing the part that now looks ugly because you just chopped a section out!...

Thirty or forty minutes later the cut was done. There were pieces of hair ALL OVER both of us, in the grass, on the sidewalk, and in our faces and mouths. It was a bit of a mess cleaning us off, but at least the wind was blowing, so that helped as we shook like crazy.

I was really scared we'd be in a barber's chair today to fix the terrible chop job I had done... In fact, as I cut, I was quite prepared to do just that. Today is the day when I just have George, while the rest are in school, so I had it all planned out. BUT actually, after I gave him a bath, dried his hair, and made one or two more evening-up snips, his hair actually looked pretty good! I really cannot believe that I gave George a decent haircut!

So today as we have seen people who have noticed his hair cut and told him how handsome he looks, I haven't said a word about me doing it. I just wanted to see people's reactions, and so far no one has asked "What happened!?" So it's possible no one might ever know that good-old Mom did it... well, until now, that is.

Kid number four, and I'm still enjoying some firsts! Yay, me!
(Sorry I don't have a picture yet, but I'll take one and post it soon, so you can see my masterpiece. hehe.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha! That was a good story. Oh, sweet George. I bet his hair looks great! Miss y'all.

January 23, 2009 at 2:49 PM  
Blogger Lauren said...

I love the play-by-play! By the looks of the picture, you did a great job! You're such a good mom and a good wife (saving money and such)! ;)

January 26, 2009 at 12:09 PM  

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