Smiles... Prayers... Grace!

My deepest thoughts on spirituality and life lessons.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Why we do the things we do

So, today my family and I got out in the crazy HEAT! The temp is somewhere around 105 and then the heat index is unmentionable, plus we're under a "Severe Heat Warning" and Ozone Alert! Yes, it's CRAZY HOT in TEXAS! Although it wasn't the most fun reason in the world to be out in the killer heat - like going to a water park or even just swimming - it was meaningful and purposeful: to help a new friend.

We heard about this family from one friend. We borrowed a truck from another friend. Then took it and loaded up furniture and stuff from yet some other friends who are moving and didn't need it anymore, and took it to these new friends - a family who is trying to get back on their feet who did need the stuff. Just being in the heat makes you sweat, not to mention loading and unloading furniture and boxes and groceries. So, we were quite dehydrated at the end of the task. But now the Alvarezes have some much needed stuff, and the kids got to meet some new friends too. Lots of our friends were involved in some way or another, and all in all it was a very productive afternoon.

But, the question on my mind is, why do we do things like that? Why do we help others - even when it costs us time and energy?

I mean, being Christians, we're taught to be kind to others, help those in need, WWJD, and all that... so that could be one reason: following a commandment, being obedient. And I'd like to think that we were obedient to God's call and purpose in our lives today. But is that really why we did it? I don't know. And if we simply acted out of "oughtness" wouldn't that take some of the joy away?

And then there's what we get from it... it makes us feel good to be a help to someone, to be needed, to receive thanks, etc. It does make me feel good to have been more purposeful with my time than cleaning the house (or taking a nap) and the kids watching TV all afternoon, which is what we would likely have done otherwise. So, did we do it because it makes us feel better about ourselves and gives us meaning? Maybe.

And then there are other reasons I can think of that seem a bit conceptual like relationships, friendships, community, love. ... Now this is where my reasons seem to land today. I really hope we helped some new friends for their sake, not ours. I hope we loved on them a little - and not just today, but in the days to come as we get to know them better. I hope they are able to rise above their current situation and be able to pay it forward - to others, or even us - someday.

I hope we helped someone today for the sake of a new friendship... for the sake of living in community with others in this world... and out of the purity that is Love. Lofty aspirations for a simple afternoon, I know.... but then you've gotta aim high and dream big, right?!


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